April 2000
04.28.00- The Sergeant is back in action. I worked on my Renegade Page, adding a new caption, and two new pictures, they are great!. Next, I have been working on straightening out my NEW sponsors!! I have went through Commission Junction, and recieved new sponsors which you can see the banners of at the bottom of every page. Give 'em a click, it keeps this site free, up and running, and me updating as soon as possible. Hope to see some money generated. Thanks! SgtLny04.12.00- Don't be fooled by looking at how few revisions I have posted for this month. I have worked on my page one way or another, everyday, but I have not posted those revisions, cuz I have not finished the new additions to my likings yet. So, you will see some new additions soon, or maybe you won't. A lot of my work has been on my scripting. I am adding a few applets etc.. Anyways, keep coming, and I will give ya some new stuff! 04.01.00- Who hates Mac's? Check out this new addition to an old pic of mine! Check it OUT!! But, no other major revisions, just minor fixxer uppers. Hope to work on more soon! SgtLny.