Top Reasons that
I Hate Macs
34. They are not ecologically sound. They use a trash can while PC's use a recycling bin. Who is more concerned about the world... A company with rotten apples?...or the one with pretty windows!
By: Corey T
33. They use them in school.
By: Robbie M
32. They have crappy comercials on TV.
By: Robbie M
31. The iMac keys are too small.
By: Robbie M
30. The iMac CD ROM drive is too easily damaged.
By: Robbie M
29. They must be birds, cuz they are cheap, cheap, cheap!
28. Have you ever heard of a restart button? Macintosh hasn't.
27. How long do you have to wait, just to start-up a computer? By the time the thing loads up, I wouldn't want to use it, even if it was good.
26. Schools use Mac's because they are cheap, not cuz they are good, so everyone that thinks otherwise, your wrong!
25. The Mac Laptop is so cheap! I have seen one, it was at a store. Half of the keyboard buttons were ripped off, they are like little M&M's. They don't melt in your mouth, but they sure to break under your touch!
24. The iMac mouse is too small, and sux.
23. Why did Apple have to come out with a second iMac? Probably because they messed up the first one so badly, that they had to come up with another to make up for the first.
22. Why can't Macintosh spend a little extra money and put in a CD-ROM drive that opens all the way, not just an inch.
21. A true apple company sells fruit, not computers. And, at least the other company's product tastes good!
20. The Apple Company is so cheap that they couldn't even use a full apple to use as their logo.
19. The Apple Command Button, Period.
18. The Speakers are too small, and non-upgradeable.
17. There is that annoying and useless little black square on them.
16. Mac's have too small of a Microphone. I realize that Micro means small, but C'mon!
15. There is no switch to turn the computer on/off. It is a stupid keyboard button that takes forever to go into action.
14. To the inconvenience of users, there is no disk ejector on the old Mac's.(On the new iMacs, there isn't even a drive.)
13. PC's "Start Menu" is awesome, and Macintosh has to try and steal it.
12. Mac's can't even start to catch up to PC's huge processor size.
11. Why put buyers at an inconvenience of having a handle on the computer, if it is a home computer and you shouldn't be moving it anyway!
10. They don't have as much hard drive space(memory).
9. They try to be like PC's.
8. You always have to restart on system errors. (I REALLY HATE THIS REASON!)
7. The Apple company has to make different color computers just to get a few more to sell. Why choose from five colors when you can get one tan colored PC that is better?
6. Why buy from a company that sells a computer that doesn't even come with a floppy drive! STUPID!
5. Why settle for 1 standard mouse button when PC's give you tons?
4. There aren't as many games or software made or available.
3. They don't make games like Red Alert, Sole Survivor, Covert Operations, or C&C2: Tiberian Sun.
2. They are SLOW!
The number one Reason that I hate Mac's, is:
Please send me some of your reasons that you hate Macs!