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Red Alert
-The Aftermath
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Red Alert 2
-- 1-2-3-4 --

Sole Survivor

Tiberian Sun


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Anti-Macintosh Page
Kane Tribute
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Kane Tribute

"We have waited centuries for this moment. The rivers will flow with blood of those who oppose us."
"He who controls the past, commands the future. He who commands the future, conquers the past."


-Seth is bragging about how he was given an order so important that Kane didn't even know about it. "BAM!", Kane walks in to the picture and blows Seth's head off, sits down, and gives you HIS orders.

-When you have beaten Red Alert, Stalin is prancing around and full of joy, when "Gag", "Ungh", "Poison, you Beeaatch!" Nadia gives him some tea with poison in it. Nadia and Kane just smile, and Nadia is saying how when She and the Brotherhood need you in the future, "POW", Kane shoots her in the back, lays her on Stalin, and says, "General, I am the future!"

And Remember, Kane hates Mac's!!!!!

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